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Beaver Creek School District

A Message from Our Superintendent and Principal

September 3, 2024

I am a Treasure Hunter Pledge

Wow! How did the first month of school pass so quickly? So many fantastic things have happened so far. We have enjoyed having the students back on campus and seeing their wonderful, smiling faces. There are wonderful things happening in the classrooms and so much learning happening. Parent-teacher conferences are this month, and mid-quarter grades will be going home. Don't forget to sign up for conferences so that teachers can share all the great things your children are participating in. Download ClassDojo to stay current on special events and communication with teachers. We appreciate all of our families' support in creating a supportive environment for our students. We could not do it without our families' support! You are our ace of hearts! 

Thank you,

Mrs. Allie Wheeler, Superintendent & Principal


Aces of Hearts, Clubs, Spades, and Diamonds

Educating the Students of the Verde Valley Since 1881

Welcome to the online home of Beaver Creek School District, where we are proud to educate Verde Valley’s public school students from preschool through middle school. Here, under the guidance of our supportive, highly trained educational team, our students build a solid foundation of educational experiences that will help prepare them for high school and beyond. 

Spending Reports

FY 2023

Beaver Creek Schools Spending Report FY 2023

Average Teacher Salaries 

Please note that the budget revisions will reflect the changes.

Average Teacher Salaries (A.R.S §15-903.E)
1. Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2025 (budget year): $51,999
2. Average salary of all teachers employed in FY 2024 (prior year): $52,009
3. Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year: ($10)
4. Percentage increase: 0%
FY24 teacher average was based on 13 teachers, with 3 open positions that were not filled. For FY25, the teacher average is based on 16 teachers, one of which is a first year teacher. Revision #1, updated salaries based on approved increases.

Average Teacher Salaries Table
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Free language assistance, auxiliary aids, and/or accommodations are available upon request.